Spanish Common Mistakes Two

Service Description
LEVELS: BASIC AND INTERMEDIATE LEVELS ONLY. DESCRIPTION: We have decided to create this course to correct the most common mistakes in Spanish that foreign students often have. It is very possible that you, as a student, make some of the mistakes that we are going to indicate to you. It's normal, don't worry. Making mistakes is a very important step in your learning. So you should not be afraid because we are going to correct them and make things right together. To avoid mistakes repetition, it is very important, first of all, to identify the error and the origin (possibly it comes from a literal translation from your mother tongue). During this course, we will correct it and not repeat it. TOPICS 1. PALABRAS MULTIFORMES 1 2. PALABRAS MULTIFORMES 1 3. PALABRAS MULTIFORMES 1 4. HAYA O HALLA 5. VER O MIRAR 6. OÍR O ESCUCHAR 7. DIEZ USOS DEL VERBO IR 8. ERA, FUE, ESTABA, ESTUVO 9. SER VS. TENER 10. FRASES PARA CONVERSACIONES DIARIAS EN ESPAÑOL